In 1853, the California gold rush was in full swing, and everyday items were in short supply. Levi Strauss, a 24-year-old German immigrant, left New York for San Francisco with a small supply of dry goods with the intention of opening a branch of his brother's New York dry goods business. Shortly after his arrival, a prospector wanted to know what Mr. Strauss was selling. When Strauss told him he had rough canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the prospector said, "You should have brought pants!," saying he couldn’t find a pair of pants strong enough to last.
more details go to the next sight!
"There's never a new fashion but it's old".
This quote was said by Geoffrey Chaucer, but I have to dissagree! when you see fashion these days, it might remind you of the fashion of the 80's. But when you take a close look at the details, you'll notice some small yet significant differences. it could be the stracture of the material for example, as the technology has developped. You can barely see the difference between real and fake leather, yet it becomes also easier to treat it. now you can wear it under the rain, and wash it.
My secound reason to dissagree is that after a while , you cannot find the same clothes. If you see design that is copied, the compuny or the designer could protest. For one example the famous Italian brand "Dolce & Gabbana" does not do business in Japan anymore because many companies in Japan make the simmiler things, so D&G dissided to quit the business there.
Fashion is a way to express youself. I don't think that somewhere in this world will be a person that wears colthes exactly in the same way that I do, so in reality nothing could be old.
My answer is NO! The first of all I would never try them on on the first hand.
Isn't it a torture when you try something on and it looks so nice and you know that you cannot afford it?
But if I'll be in the stuation, I'm not going to buy it as I know I can find a simmiler one cheeper.
Someone might think that it's not about the style it's about showing the name of the desiner or of the brand.
I can understand it, but I'm the kind of person who cars about the quality and not about showing off.
So way should I spend so much money if I can have the same quality for less money.