Wednesday, June 23, 2010

After reading "I Dream Before I Take the Stand"

Accidentally, when I got home and turned on the TV looking if there is something interesting to watch, I found a documentary on HBO. The title was "For Neda". Maybe a lot of people don't remember anymore the demonstration in Iran lust year in2009... But this ended with a tragedy. A woman, Neda Agha-Soltan was shot and died. She was just trying to acquire the human rights. Neda became the iconic symbol of Iran's 2009 post-election protests and struggle. Now after this movement, the situation didn't get better. We should be so grateful that we have the right to vote and that we can express our selves not feeling fears to get punished.
If you are interested to see the video go to this sight.

1 comment:

  1. This is the problem in some closed minded countries especielly in some muslim countries
    women have no right to vote to live and to be equal with men
    that was a good move from some iranien women they most be realy strong and has a good will in order to get their rights
